13 Mayıs 2012 Pazar

Video by Steampunk Jewelry designer Daniel Proulx

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About Me :
Daniel Proulx is from Montreal. He makes wire-wrapped Steampunk jewelry with brass, copper and gemstones

‘In April of 2008 I started to make rings just for fun ... I spent several hours every day perfecting and developing my own technique to create an original design. I quickly started to make very retro-futurist model of rings. At that time I decided to embark on this adventure, quit my job and try to live on my jewelry full-time. One day a friend told me what I was doing wasSteampunk. I researched the subject and fell in love with this culture. I always liked Steampunk but I didn't know there was a name for it.’

Find my jewelry for sale on ETSY : www.CatherinetteRings.Etsy.com

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