13 Mayıs 2012 Pazar

Steampunk at Comic Con Montreal 2012

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Steampunk at Comic Con Montreal 2012September 14-16Montreal Convention Center
Montreal Comic Con 2012 is adding steampunk to the program with activities including Steampunk Panels , Steampunk Art Exhibition , Masquerade and a steampunk vendors and artists section . A section of the event has been reserved for Steampunk Vendors and Artists.Tables and Booth are available for rent in this section .
Registration forms for Exhibitors , Authors, Illustrators , Artisan and Artist :http://www.montrealcomiccon.com/pdf/new_exhibit_space_forms.pdf
Please indicate on the registration that you were refered by Daniel ProulxPlease send me an e-mail and i will add you to the steampunk section ,if you have any questions :
Confirmed Steampunk Guest :Author : G.D. FalksenAuthor : G.D. FalksenG. D. Falksen is an author, lecturer, public speaker and MC. He also studies history and blogs for Tor.com. While his repertoire spans a range of topics, he is currently most noted for his steampunk work and is one of the most recognizable figures in the steampunk literary genre and the related subculture. His debut novel, The Hellfire Chronicles: Blood In The Skies was released in July 2011. Other fiction includes The Strange Case of Mr. Salad Monday, Cinema U, and the serials An Unfortunate Engagement and The Mask of Tezcatlipoca. His work has appeared in Steampunk Tales, Steampunk Magazine, The Chap, Egophobia, and various anthologies such as Footprints, Steampunk Reloaded, and The Immersion Book of Steampunk. He has made appearances as a guest at various events, including Dragon*Con, New York Comic Con, and the World Steam Expo. He has appeared in The New York Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, the Hartford Courant, Marie Claire Italia, BoingBoing.net, Time Out New York, and New York Magazine, and on MTV, NHK, VBS.tv, Space, and io9.com. He is the lead writer for AIR, a steampunk-themed video game currently in development from Hatboy Studios, Inc.
Evelyn Kriete : http://www.jaborwhalky.net/Evelyn Kriete :Evelyn Kriete is an editor, artist, fashion designer, marketing adviser and promoter with ten years of active experience in events organization and marketing. Along with being a event producer with active involvement in a wide range of subcultures and trends, she is known as the major steampunk organizer in New York, a principle organizer worldwide, and a moving force behind the steampunk trend. She has worked closely with various reporters, researchers and media outlets during their coverage of steampunk including but not limited to The New York Times, MTV, NHK, VBS.tv, NBC and the San Francisco Chronicle. She does programming and staff work for Dragon con, NYCC and other major conventions. She co-produces the premier black tie monthly event Dorian’s Parlor in Philadelphia. She provides media and networking services for numerous artist the world wide. She is the co-founder of Gilded Age Records, the first ever steampunk music label; she is also the co-founder of the Annual Time Travel Picnic, the oldest annual steampunk meet up event. Her art has appeared in numerous art shows across the country and in a range of publications. She moderates the Steamfashion community and blogs for Brass Goggles as well for Tor.com. She has previously worked with various projects such as Repo! the Genetic Opera, the steampunk exhibition at the Museum of the History of Science in Oxford and Make Magazine’s World Maker Faire New York. She is currently working with a number of film projects and TV shows, including The Marionette Unit and War of the Worlds: Goliath. She also works for with Weird Tales magazine. She is the creative director for Steampunk Tales magazine and the editor of Wildside Press’s forthcoming Steampunk Classics line of books. Her writing has appeared in books such as Steampunk Reloaded and will be appearing in seven different books due out over the course of the next two years, including the forthcoming Steampunk Bible. She is also the Marketing Director for Hatboy Studios’s forthcoming video game AIR: Steampunk. She is a fashion designer for the Australian clothing label Galley Serpentine. She has been the principle stylist for numerous photo shoots and the producer of more fashion shows than she can count. It is said that she does, in fact, sleep and eat, but to date the claims are merely rumors. She is also very excited to have a hat named after her by Topsy Turvy Design.
Movie Prop-Maker Adam Smith :
Adam Smith : Professional Costumer & Prop BuilderAdam Smith, former graphic artist, goldsmith, watchmaker, IT corporate-slave and renfest booth owner, currently splits his wage-earning time between vending his handcrafted leatherwares at various conventions and festivals, and building costume and prop pieces for the film industry.
As his Steampunk alter-ego “Phineas Phlensing, Esq.”, he is a gentleman of questionable and shady background, a dinosaur big-game hunter, and a tinkerer and inventor of various weaponry and gadgets, harnessing electrical aether, gunpowder and raw metal in equal measures. Do not be fooled by his easy and likeable demeanor: he WILL trick you into purchasing his tavern beverages for him.
Artist Roger Wood : http://klockwerks.com/Roger Wood :Roger Wood creates with time in mind. Yet even though the clock can be a consistent element of his work, it’s often secondary to its creation. Whether it’s a curious timepiece or a unique assemblage, Wood thrives on working with an immeasurable array of findings from the tarnished and forgotten to the odd or intriquing. He is a devoted collector of usual and unusual objects with one thing in common, a history. The source of his inspiration lies in the hundreds of curiously labelled drawers and boxes brimming with artifacts of all description that line the shelves of his Toronto studio. Wood orchestrates an arrangement from his myriad of treasures until the precise moment that it feels right. Then he quickly glues them all down so they can’t escape.Playful, wondrous timepieces emerge that take flight on cherubic wings, float and sway on fine wires, or appear frozen mid-explosion with flying springs and cogs that bounce at the touch. This definitive merging of objects and ideas has brought Wood much critical acclaim across Canada. Shows at galleries, museums and awards at several exhibitions are ongoing testaments to his freedom of imagination. Just as his single signature feather at the tip of the second hand quivers magically through time, Roger Wood's creations continue to fascinate.
Artist Daniel Proulx : Catherinette RingsDaniel Proulx :Daniel Proulx was born in Montreal and spent a considerable time traveling the world before returning to his artistic roots, becoming an independent artist in 2008. He has found great inspiration in the steam era and now makes Steampunk jewelry with metal wire, gemstones, vintage clock parts and other unusual components. He loves creating organic shapes from wire and developing intricate designs with a mechanical/industrial feel. When Daniel was little he used to daydream about fantastic imaginary worlds. He would draw monsters, invent stories about magical items, or role-play with friends. Now he brings his art to life with stories from a distant parallel Steampunk universe. He uses his creations to share his passion for the world of Steampunk with the rest of us .
Jardin Mécanique : http://tinyurl.com/JardinMecanique
Programming and activites :Steampunk Art ExhibitionSteampunk 101 panelMasqueradeand more ...
Join The event on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/events/361438210539107/

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